Benefits of Art Therapy

Art therapy can increase the quality of life for those suffering and become a way of expression, even after other types of communication start to fail. Researchers say that there are benefits of using art therapy with the elderly. Art can “awaken responses” and “help unlock sparks of understanding for patients experiencing memory loss.” Creating … Read more

Why Calling Hospice Is Not Giving Up

If you feel that calling hospice means that’s “the end”, then there are aspect of hospice care you’re unfamiliar with.  It’s associated with the end of life, and that gives it a bad wrap to those who may be in need of it. Accepting the need for hospice care does not mean the person in … Read more

The Truth About Hospice Care- 5 Things To Know

There are myths that surround hospice care that keep many Americans from enjoying its services. Many believe that it’s only for the wealthy, that it means giving up, and that the patient must first stop receiving treatment for whatever they are dealing with. None of these things are true. Let’s take a look at 5 … Read more

History of Seasons

History of Seasons Hospice Seasons Hospice was founded by a group of caring individuals motivated by a common concern for terminally ill patients and their families. Their effort focused on helping these families deal with the emotional and spiritual issues raised by the patient’s impending death. Seasons Hospice was funded by a group of concerned … Read more

Hospice Community Honors Its Volunteers during National Volunteer Week, April 6 – 12

(Alexandria, Va) – Forty years ago, President Richard Nixon declared the first National Volunteer Week to recognize Americans who give of their time and talents to benefit others. This was the same year, 1974, that the Connecticut Hospice – one of the first hospices in the country – opened its doors changing the way dying … Read more

Soaking Music

Soaking Music Enjoy some of our favorite bathing time soaking music, courtesy of Seasons Hospice of Tulsa, OK. This peaceful audio recording is sure to help relax hospice patients and caregivers and provide some time to release the stresses of the day.  

History of Hospice Care | Tulsa Hospice

The History of Hospice | Tulsa Hospice The term “hospice” comes from the linguistic root of “hospitality”. From the middle ages to the present, caring for the dying has been handled in similar and various ways. In the middle ages, religious orders created “hospices” in key areas on the way to religious shrines that provided … Read more