3 Habits Of Stable Caregivers

Caregiving can provide uplifting moods to the caregiver. Here are just a few: Contentment: The deed of caring for another person can be an overwhelming but satisfying opportunity.  Living in such an essential and gratifying role can offer the caregiver a sense of significance. The gift of time: In some circumstances (not all) being someone’s caregiver … Read more

3 Steps for Supporting Grieving Family and Friends: Support vs. Comfort

What is the difference?  Well, comfort suggests a longing to free someone from their pain and make them feel a smaller amount of sadness, while support suggests a longing to offer assistance. Over time you’ve probably become good at the comfort part (we all have), so when you approach someone who is grieving your first inclination may be to … Read more

10 Essential Steps for Dealing With Grief

Dealing with grief – Grieving is not an easy process and everyone mourns in their own way. Some are open and communicative about their feelings; others are reserved and introverts. Also, depending on the day, you could be a mixture of both. The vital thing is to heal, to be able to get up every … Read more

5 Springtime Events for Seniors

There’s just something so uplifting about spring. Spring does wonders for the soul, whether it’s the birds tweeting, the beautiful flowers or the bright sunshine. Springtime is a favorite time of year for many since we have spent the winter being in the house. There’s nothing like breathing in fresh air and feeling the warmth … Read more

We Want You!  Volunteers needed

Seasons Hospice is an organization that survives on the dreams, ambitions, and sacrificial time of many volunteers. Hospice volunteers provide companionship to people living with a serious illness and help their family caregivers in a variety of ways. Furthermore, we rely on volunteers to help with office work, fund raising, community outreach and other operating … Read more